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Tagung »The Old English Anonymous Homily« (Göttingen)

Vom 30. Juni bis 1. Juli 2017 wird am English Department der Universität Göttingen eine Tagung zum Thema »The Old English Anonymous Homily. Sources – Composition – Variation – Digital Edition« stattfinden, organisiert von Winfried Rudolf (Göttingen) und Susan Irvine (University College London).

Keynote address: Donald G. Scragg (University of Manchester, UK)

Speakers include:

  • Victoria Condie (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Rebecca Hardie (University of Göttingen)
  • Brendan Hawk (Rhode Island College, USA)
  • Susan Irvine (University College London, UK)
  • Paul Langeslag (University of Götingen)
  • Stephen Pelle (University of Toronto, Canada)
  • Winfried Rudolf (Universität Göttingen)
  • Robert K. Upchurch (University of North Texas, USA)
  • Jonathan Wilcox (University of Iowa, USA)
  • Samantha Zacher (Cornell University, USA)

Conference fee: 25 EUR                        Students: 15 EUR

This conference supports the Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English (ECHOE), a joint research project between Winfried Rudolf (Göttingen) and Susan Irvine (UCL) funded by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. This digital project aims to create a scholarly resource which foregrounds the compositional and variational aspects of these texts, enables the comparison of any two versions of the corpus, maps the complex interversional networks, and marks up all revisional layers added by scribes before 1200. Further aspects include the specific charting of recurring tropes and motifs, and the rethinking of the nomenclature for the Old English anonymous corpus.

Papers focus specifically on the sources, the compositional and variational aspects, and the manuscript contexts of Old English anonymous homilies and their interversional networks. We also include round table discussions on important aspects of the project, during which we hope to be able to reassess and rethink the past, present, and future of the study of Old English anonymous homilies.

Please contact if you would like to attend our meeting.

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Dominik Waßenhoven (14. Mai 2017). Tagung »The Old English Anonymous Homily« (Göttingen). Forum zum britisch-irischen Mittelalter. Abgerufen am 13. Februar 2025 von

Dominik Waßenhoven

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